Board Induction Course

This online induction course is designed to help student leaders understand the importance of their roles and responsibilities as a board member, and to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective leader. By completing this course, students will be able to move from the level of clubs and societies leadership to board leadership and leave a legacy of which they can be proud! 

The course has five modules, each covering important topics related to governance, leadership, and decision-making, covering all aspects of best practice for student executive leaders of Student Associations in Australia.

  • Module 1 – Student Association Structure and Governance
  • Module 2 – Board Composition and the Rights and Duties of Board Members
  • Module 3 – Organisational Documents, Processes and Risk Management
  • Module 4  – Planning and Finance
  • Module 5  – Decision Making and Meetings

The course is self-paced and accessed via a custom branded learning platform. Enrolled students are provided a unique login username and password, taking them directly to your association’s branded tenancy within the course platform.

The course is designed to take approximately three hours to complete, with additional time required to read the documents relevant to their own student association. Students can save their progress and complete the course within their own timeframes.

Throughout the course, students will have access to a range of resources, activities and quizzes designed to help them apply the learning in real-world scenarios. By the end of the course, they will have gained the confidence and skills needed to take on their role as a leader in their student association and be an active participant in board deliberations, deliver effectively on their chosen leadership roles and leave a lasting legacy for students who follow.

The Board Induction Course is fully customisable and available free of charge to current Members of SEN.

Members can Register for access here.

Non-fee paying Members and external parties may be eligible to access the course for a cost, please contact us for more details.

If you would like more information about the course, please contact