SENCON 2024 – Illuminate

SENCON 2024 (Student Experience Network Conference) is the biggest event in the Australian non-academic student services calendar.

We are excited to announce the theme for the 2024 SENCON is ILLUMINATE”!

Even more exciting is that SEN will be celebrating 25 years in 2024, and the celebrations will begin at SENCON!


We cannot wait to see you there!

SENCON 2024 is happening from Monday 18th to Thursday 21st November. The conference will be held at RMIT and the University of Melbourne, and we thank the RMIT Student Life team and the University of Melbourne Student Union team for their support in hosting this years conference.

SENCON 2024 has been developed in response to extensive member feedback, offering a program that provides more time for sharing… to see, hear and discuss topics relevant to what is happening on campuses, rather than simply being ‘presented’ to.

Content, stories, and experiences in specific areas of Student Services will be shared through facilitated group discussions, panels, and workshops. Delegates will hear about successful best practice case studies plus discuss new ideas, current challenges, and possible solutions.

SENCON 2024 will also provide you with a fantastic opportunity to connect and engage with supply partners, their services, and products at the SEN Expo on the Wednesday afternoon of the conference.

Hosted this year at the University of Wollongong, this conference will support you in delivering the best student experience on your campus.

What’s involved?
Who will be there?

Student Services professionals and Student Representatives who are involved in delivering student engagement and support on Australian and New Zealand tertiary campuses. Attendees will span the broad spectrum of student service entities including Guilds, Unions, Incorporated Organisations, Universities, and Controlled Entities, as well as Benefit Partners, and Commercial and Strategic Partners.

SENCON 2024 brings together delegates that represent the varied student service disciplines and covers a huge range of interest areas including; commercial services, events & student engagement, sport & recreation, communications & marketing, management, leadership and governance, clubs and societies, advocacy, student welfare and wellbeing, volunteering and more.

What does it cost?

Current SEN Member Organisations (those that have paid their SEN Annual Service Fee) are entitled to a significant 80% discount on SENCON 2023 registrations, making it one of the least expensive conferences in the country! If you are not sure if your organisation is eligible for the discount, call 0439 677 181 or email us and we can let you know.

We are excited to see as many of you there as possible!

Opportunities exist to contribute to conference sessions either as a facilitator or a contributor of a case study, story, or experience. Please complete the Contributor EOI if you believe you have a contribution and we will be in contact.