Academic Integrity Perspectives and Current Trends
There are complications when students arrive in higher education through a variety of streams with a range of understanding on what academic integrity is and the importance of integrity as a broader social issue. Students’ prior education experiences will impact how effective their transition is into meeting the expectations of higher education institutions while shifting to be an adult responsible for their own actions. This presentation discusses some of the current trends identified in current student cohorts and the implications of managing and supporting academic misconduct cases. Further and based on previous presentations time is provided to allow for questions and discussion of the issues identified and other related issues identified by attendees.
Professor Ann Rogerson is the Associate Dean (Education) at the Faculty of Business and Law at University of Wollongong (Australia). She holds degrees in Management as well as Higher Education. Her research relates to academic integrity issues such as file sharing, use of paraphrasing tools, academic piracy, and bibliographic patterns in addition to the impact on transitional spaces in education. Ann designs and implements changes to assessment, curriculum and policy to consider generative AI and investigates allegations of academic misconduct for onshore and offshore campuses and is the Academic Lead on UOW’s Assessment Reimagined Project. Her other work includes Associate Editor of the International Journal for Educational Integrity (IJEI) and is sought after as a speaker and reviewer for the implications of academic integrity matters across a wide range of disciplines.