SEN PRO – Union, Guild & Club platform

Our members have been using many platforms in the marketplace to service their organisation needs but have always felt that their needs are not being met. SEN, with its members’ feedback over the years, has invested in creating a platform that is easy to use, cost effective and modularised to meet the needs of its members.

SEN PRO offers more than just a set of systems designed to improve your digital space. It also represents a partnership with our team, providing the necessary support and services for your organization’s technological advancement. SEN PRO has a selection of modules that any SEN member can use and can develop and tweak when they come on board with us:

  • Club Management
  • Club Affiliations
  • Grants & Funding
  • Elections
  • Email Marketing
  • Reporting & Finance
  • E-Commerce platform
  • Website Content Management
  • Case Management
  • Volunteering

How SEN PRO is different and listening to its members

First in class support

Our team is on hand when you need them to be with full access to support agents and developers directly from our partner organisation, Rubric. While we don’t offer 24/7 support, we provide assistance between 8am – 10pm everyday, including weekends.

Simple pricing

Our pricing is simple enough so you know exactly what to budget, with all SEN members eligible for an additional discount:

  • 1 setup fee which is paid just once when you come on board.
  • 1 yearly fee which can be paid all at once or monthly.
  • 150,000 emails a month for free
  • Full product management – includes full hosting and database security on our secure infrastructure hosted in Sydney.
  • Contract lengths starting from 1 year – no surprises and no holding you into long term contracts just to keep you on board.

How can my organisation claim the SEN discount?

Student Experience Network is a co-operative. To become a Member and receive SEN benefits, your organisation must be:

  • a not-for-profit.
  • a non-academic service provider.
  • affiliated with or connected to a tertiary education institute.
  • an Australian or New Zealand service provider.

If you believe that you meet the criteria, please contact the SEN office at

If you are ineligible based on the above criteria,  you may be better aligned as a Benefits Partner.

Is your organisation already a SEN Member, but you aren’t registered to access the website? Please complete this form and submit for approval

I’m interested, how do I get started?

We want to listen to your problems and concerns first – please send us an email at and we’ll see if SEN PRO is a fit for your organisation